Create Amazing Microsoft Excel Charts and Graphs in 5 hours -49$ Udemy Coupon for Free -Expiring on Monday

Coupon Expiring on Monday!

Learn Professional Interactive Charts, Graphs and Reports with Microsoft Excel and take your career to the next level.

What you’ll learn:

  • The most important elements of a chart, like chart and plot area, Design and Format tab, data labels, gridlines, legends, titles, axes, layouts and much more
  • Modifying a chart visually: styles and colors, create a pictograph, Excel’s camera tool, shapes, effects, text etc.
  • Basic chart types like Column charts, Bar charts, Pie charts, Line charts, 3D charts, Scatter charts, Bubble charts, Stock charts, Surface charts and Radar charts.
  • Advanced chart types like Combo charts, Pareto charts, Gantt charts and Frequency charts.
  • How to create impressive Dynamic Professional Charts with 5 different methods
  • How to create Business Dashboards and Reports
  • How to create Pivot Tables, Pivot Charts and how to add Slicers to help you filtering your data.
  • Create a Histogram using Frequency Distribution.
  • How to create all types of Sparklines.
  • The secrets of linking charts with other programs and printing charts
  • Bonus material : Excel most useful shortcuts etc

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