Create Courses and Earn Money Using The Scrum Framework

Learn how I create my courses using the Scrum Framework to Project Manage and stream line the process

Why take this course?

You've already decided you want to create a course but want some framework or system to ensure you manage and complete that course and earn you money.

Do you just want to get your course created, up and running and earning you money?

Using the Scrum Framework you can get that course designed, created and up and running quickly.

Heard of Scrum but want to know what it is?

In this course we introduce to you working with Scrum in a project and give details on how this works when creating a training course.

Ever spent time creating a course and found your focus on specifics is lost?

Ever find what when your creating a course you spend too much time on content creation?

I found that before I started to use Scrum to project manage my course creation I would answer yes to both of these. Now I spend time in the framework identifying the smallest number of items I need to complete for my course; what extra content I can add after release and also have true focus on what I am doing.

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