How To Get Amazon To Advertise Your Kindle Books For You!

A Step by Step Guide on How To Take Advantage of Amazon's Latest $ 0.05 per click Kindle Books Marketing Program Today!

The service that has been launched provides you with the ability to advertise your kindle books in the kindle store on all devices for only a minimum of $ 0.05 per click!Now let that sink in...

This means you can concentrate on writing your books if you are an author - knowing fully well that as soon as your book is ready you can advertise your book to your target audience.

If you outsource your books or are a publisher you can concentrate on getting quality books wriiten as with one click of a button you can launch your marketing campaign.

In this video course I show you....
How to sign up for this Brand New Service so you can sign up straight away if you would like to
How to set up your ads for success so you can stack the deck in your favour
How to piggyback on the success of the most successful authors in the kindle store right now in your genre
Ways to find the most successful titles and authors in your genre right now so you can get your book infront of their fans and readership
Watch over my shoulder as I set up my ad - step by step
Ways to leverage this Amazon service right now so you can stretch your advertising budget even further by making even more money from each $0.05 perclick you spend
What are you waiting for? Get your copy right now!

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