Vocabulary: Smarter Kids in a Year - Collective Nouns 1

Parents, better vocabulary = better grades. Get everything you need to add 50 more words to your child's vocabulary fast

Course Description


If your child is not doing well at school, poor vocabulary could be the problem.

Your child's ability to use his given language is the key to all his learning.

The more words a child knows, the greater that child's success.

Taking this course is a potential vocabulary boost of 1000 words for your son or daughter!


Just learning 10 words can expose a person to 90 more.

Technically your child is being deliberately exposed to 100 words because this course teaches 50+ collective nouns for 50 words. 10 x (10 + 90) = 1000 words

Raising smart children just got easier

If you have ever imagined sitting with pride in the audience watching your child receive an award for good work at the end of the school year, then you must act now.

If you start immediately, working diligently on your child's vocabulary, you could start to see improvement within the next year that will last him a lifetime.

We're making it easy for you by removing all the hard work usually associated with helping your child succeed at school.

The time consuming tasks of doing research on the Internet, looking for worksheets and trying to figure out answers have been done for you.

You will find everything you need in one place.

Use the course materials to rapidly improve your child's vocabulary
Your ward can learn as many as 10 words in a single day.

There is a video lecture showing each noun paired with its collective noun.

There are puzzles and games to accelerate your child's learning.

But there is more…

Because you the parent need to be satisfied that learning is taking place, at the end of each section there is a quiz for you to check your child's progress.

…and more

Udemy Coupon Code :  https://www.udemy.com/vocabulary-learning-collective-nouns-1-smarter-kids-in-a-year/?couponCode=OnlineCourse