Online privacy & social media use at work and in private - udemy coupon 100% Off

Learn about online privacy & how to use social media at work and in private. Know what you can get fired for and not.

If you want to know about Internet privacy, and what you can and can't do at work in terms of privacy, and what you can and can't be fired for from work, this is the course for you.

New York attorney Steve Pipenger explains basic employment law that every employer and employee should know.

Whether you are an entrepreneur with a business and employees, or are an employee yourself, it is very useful to know your rights.

Steve also explains basic Internet privacy nuances, and what you should be aware of when it comes to protecting your privacy on the Internet.

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Every Udemy course comes with a 30-day money back guarantee. So if you don't get what you hoped out of the course, you can get a full refund. But I am sure you will love the course, so go ahead, sign up, and start learning about how to hire a great lawyer, starting today.

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