SEO for SEO Beginners - Udemy Free Coupon

How to optimise a site, get to the top of the search results and increase sales!

Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) is a fantastic way to drive thousands and thousands of visitors to your website for free!

Using the simple tips and concepts shown in this course, you will able to increase your websites position in the Search Engine Results for your desired keywords.

My name is Daragh Walsh and I've put this course together based on my experience helping hundreds of businesses with SEO across 41 different countries.

In the course, I'm essentially going to give you road-map to to get to the top of the search results and it's three pivotal steps:

  1. Keyword research: How to find keywords that attract visitors who want to buy
  2. On Page Optimisation: How to increase your site visibility in the search engines
  3. Off page optimisation: How to build authority on your site using links so Google knows you have the best content for it's users.

This SEO for SEO Beginners course is designed for business owners, bloggers, startups or anyone seeking to improve their proficiency and knowledge in this vital online skill. A skill not only valuable for your own online venture but one that you can bring to table to help friends, colleagues and other business partners.

Because our goal is to get you up to speed as quickly as possible, I've been careful to make the course lectures snappy, efficient and always delivered in plain English. Throughout the course, I've also included lots of examples help you retain the key concepts and strategies we discuss.

This is a valuable investment to make in yourself So, I hope you're as excited as I am!

Believe me, the only regret you're going to have is that you didn't find this course 6 months ago and get started then.

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