Udmey Coupon - Basic computing Ninja to an IT Jedi

Fun easy way to learn Windows 7, 8.1,10, and other Troubleshooting Skills while fine tuning your knowledge.

FINE TUNE your computer skills and be the best IT JEDI you can be! Do you ever get lost in an operating system and ask what do I do next? Ever paid companies 100's of dollars to set up a pc, remove viruses, create restore CD, or any basic IT work. YOU DESERVE BETTER! For a ridiculously low price and 5 hours of training, I will teach you the basics and answer questions!

Things we will discuss and train on:

  1. Windows 7 Operating system
  2. Control Panel Options
  3. Security
  4. Command Line Codes
  5. Network Connections
  6. System and Security
  7. Firewalls
  8. User Management
  9. Disk Management and Maintenance
  10. Wireless Routers
  11. Network Configurations
  12. Public IP Addresses
  13. Private IP Addresses
  14. System and Restore
  15. Repair Disks
  16. System Image
  17. Virtualization
  18. Parental Controls in Router
  19. Encryption
  20. Windows 8.1 Pro
  21. Windows 10
  22. And so much more!

The course is very easy to follow and understand. The videos are done via screen capture and a few slides. BEST OF ALL the information is up to date. Will SAVE YOU MONEY and can be completed within a weekend. I encourage you to ask questions and be involved. I will more than gladly answer your questions.

What do you have to loose! Join the class today! BECOME THE INNER IT JEDI!

Also your feedback is incouraged.

Udemy Coupon :https://www.udemy.com/basic-computing-ninja-to-an-it-jedi/?couponCode=itjedi-computer+ninja