Essential Guide To Make Money With Apps: How I Earn $5000/Mo

Earn passive income and achieve financial freedom by creating an app business on the side with no programming skills

Having an extra $5,000 of monthly income would improve anyone's life. As simple as that.

Owning a side business that generates this type of profit could be the difference between achieving the financial freedom that would enable you to do what you love vs being stuck with a 9:00 to 5:00 job. You don't need to quit your job or be a single 20-something year old computer savvy to achieve this. It's actually quite simple, once you know how to do it.

Most people have struggled making money in the iOS App Store and Google Play in recent years due to the amount of competition. They spend time, energy and money developing an app but when they upload it the returns are nowhere near what they were expecting.

What if I told you there is another way? What if I told you that right now there is a small amount of very smart people that are making A LOT of money with very minimum investment by approaching the app business differently? What if I told you that in just four months you could be one of them simply by following a bulletproof step-by-step guide that has been tested time and time again and proven to work on every occasion, would you be interested in learning it?

Well, if you are then look no further - This course will teach you how!

This course is straight to the point and will provide you everything you need, no beating around the bush or repeating the same thing with different words. In 7 quality packed hours you will learn what the successful appreneur's mindset is and which is the strategy that you need to follow. This is an approach that for years has been developed, tested and perfected by the most successful app developers in the world. I have talked to them, listened to them and become one of them. And now it's your turn.

If you are willing to dedicate 20-25 hours a week, I can personally guarantee that in just 4 months you will be making at least $5,000 a month and working no more than 10 hours a week.

How can I be so sure? Well, I have been developing apps for almost 2 years now. Around 6 months ago, after a lot of research, trial-and-error and exploration, I finally came up with an app business model that seemed very profitable. I implemented it and in just 4 months I was making more than $6,000/month and putting in less than 10 hours of work a week. I have taught this strategy to other people since then and every single one has seen similar success.

But don't just listen to me, here is what other people have said

"This course is amazing. The way Diego explains everything makes it sound so easy and makes so much sense and it also opened my mind to a new way of thinking. I am a programmer and I want to one day create my own company, but after a year of not making any significant money with apps that I programmed I realize that thats not how it works anymore, you need a new way of thinking and this is where to learn it, 5 stars without a question"

- Rohan Platter, 5/5 stars

"I started the course today and I am already halfway through, I am so into it that I'm sure i'll finish it today. I have never given making apps any thoughts, but after this course I know it is possible and will start tomorrow! I recently graduated college but I may end up making more money this way than with my job as a professional..."

- Sandra Gonzalez, 5/5 stars

"Diego trained me personally with the strategy he developed to make money selling apps. I started my app business 3 and a half months ago and just this week I finally cracked the $5,000 (this month I'm on $5,093 so far!). You have to be willing to work on it and be dedicated but after a couple of months it will be part of your routine and you won't even think about it. Well, except when you are spending the money you earned with your apps ;)"

- Jaime Sanchez

Some of the things you will learn in this course are:

  1. The mindset of the successful appreneur
  2. The strategy that will take you to guaranteed success
  3. Organize yourself and your business
  4. Come up with great, successful app ideas
  5. Decide on a target audience and niche that is profitable
  6. Outsource work cheaply so you can focus on the important things that make you money
  7. Create and manage a team that works for you
  8. How to best monetize your apps to significantly increase revenue
  9. App Store Optimization in both the iOS App Store and Google Play
  10. Market your apps for free and with very little effort
  11. Manage your time, get motivated and fight procrastination
  12. Bonus: List of recommended articles and books for further readings; list of 100 app ideas

And this is just a small sample of some of the things you will get from this course, by the end you will have everything you need to get started and become a truly successful appreneur.

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