Filmmakers Legal Guide. For Freelance Video Producers - Udemy Coupon

Freelance video producers & editors: learn how to review production services contracts. Create your own for your clients

Many tutorials teach you "how to shoot and edit video" or "how to create a freelance video production business", but none of them give include the MISSING PIECE: the legal and business information you need to run your freelancing career like a professional.

Are you a filmmaker who wants to get the information that you'd get in a $500 an hour consultation with a lawyer BUT can you not afford to invest that type of money right now? This course is for you.

Do you want actual examples of

how much others are charging for production services,
how to deal with copyrights and licenses for video clips
legal templates for talent contracts, copyright assignment agreements, and production services agreements that you can download and use for your business
These are just a few of the topics I go over in this course. Don't let the course length scare you though, you only need to watch the sections that are relevant and useful to you.

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