How to create flat design icons in 15 minutes - Udemy Coupon 100% Off

Learn how to create flat design interface icons in 15 minutes using Adobe Illustrator. Simple and powerful techniques!

Hi, my name is Dawid Tuminski and I am an Adobe Certified Expert in Illustrator. I am a web designer and developer with more than 2000 people already enrolled in my courses. I'd like to welcome you to How to create flat design interface icons course, where You will learn simple, yet highly effective techniques on creating flat looking user interface elements.

This course is all about flat design, which is the hottest trend in design world today. In this course You will expand your Adobe Illustrator skillset and learn fantastic techniques by co-creating this hottest trend!

Of course, all of you long-shadow fans won't be disappointed, as we will discover easy and effective techniques on creating that appealing shadow effect.

This course is worked out to be ongoing. We will start with 6 icons, but more icons will be added regularly! So…I really don't know what number we will end up with!

Since I want You to learn how to design flat icons easily and effortlessly, we will cover some fantastic Illustrator techniques along the way: long-shadow, transformations, shape creation, effects and so much more. All that presented in a comprehensible, and I want to believe, somewhat entertaining way.

Thanks to the techniques I share in the course, at the end of it You will be a real flat icon design guru!

This course was created with beginner designers in mind, who want to take their skills to the next level and at the same time jump on the flat design wagon. You've been around, you know what Adobe Illustrator is and You really want it to be Your flat design tool of choice.

Thanks so much for Your interest in How to create flat design interface icons. If You're ready to learn more and want to sign up for the course, don't be scared to hit that nice and shiny “Take this course" button! This course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee so there is absolutely no risk for you. See You in the course!

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Udemy Course by: Dawid Tuminski
Adobe Certified Expert Graphic Designer and Web Developer

Dawid TumiƄski – There is no shame in not knowing. There is shame in not willing to learn.

I am completely self-taught. Through years of trial and error I did all the heavy lifting, so You don't have to!