Miles & Chris guide your leadership journey to increase leadership IQ & enhance effectiveness using real world examples.
Leadership sucks at times, doesn't it? Have you ever thought about leadership like that?
Leadership sucks because real leadership is hard, requires selfless service, and because the buck stops here. Servant leadership is uncomfortable, humbling, self-denying, painful, and counterintuitive; nonetheless, it is the only kind of leadership that brings lasting results, genuine happiness, and true self-fulfillment.
"Why Leadership Sucks™ 101: Guiding Your Leadership Journey" Includes These Invaluable Modules:
Introduction to Why Leadership Sucks™ 101
Importance of Having Chris & Miles as Your Guides
Practical Action Steps to Accelerate Your Leadership
What You Will Get From This Course
Self Awareness
Basis of Leadership
Unlock the Magic of the Flag Page
Focus on Your Strengths, Hire for Your Weaknesses
Communication Miscommunication
You Always Put Me Last on Your List
Your Action Steps
First Impressions Are Lasting Impressions...As Long As You Let Them Last
Lasting Impressions Introduction
Pitfalls of Sole Reliance on First Impressions
Bias Blown Away
Discard First Impressions
Danger to Team Hiring Process
Breaking Down Your First Impressions
Your Action Steps
Are you a Micromanager or a Macromanager?
Micromanager vs. Macromanager
Interdependence of Both Needed
Concerned About Empty Nesting (Illustrative Story)
Tension in Leadership Pacing
Do All Leaders Need Vision?
Your Action Steps
So, ask yourself these questions...
Would your family and friends be impressed with your stronger leadership after this course?
Don't you want to accelerate your leadership success instead of being stuck like everybody else?
If you had us as your leadership guides, where would you be 12 months from now?
Are you ready to get started? Won't you join us?
If your answer to any of these questions is – YES, we would like to invite you to take this course right now.
Udemy Coupon :
Leadership sucks at times, doesn't it? Have you ever thought about leadership like that?
Leadership sucks because real leadership is hard, requires selfless service, and because the buck stops here. Servant leadership is uncomfortable, humbling, self-denying, painful, and counterintuitive; nonetheless, it is the only kind of leadership that brings lasting results, genuine happiness, and true self-fulfillment.
"Why Leadership Sucks™ 101: Guiding Your Leadership Journey" Includes These Invaluable Modules:
Introduction to Why Leadership Sucks™ 101
Importance of Having Chris & Miles as Your Guides
Practical Action Steps to Accelerate Your Leadership
What You Will Get From This Course
Self Awareness
Basis of Leadership
Unlock the Magic of the Flag Page
Focus on Your Strengths, Hire for Your Weaknesses
Communication Miscommunication
You Always Put Me Last on Your List
Your Action Steps
First Impressions Are Lasting Impressions...As Long As You Let Them Last
Lasting Impressions Introduction
Pitfalls of Sole Reliance on First Impressions
Bias Blown Away
Discard First Impressions
Danger to Team Hiring Process
Breaking Down Your First Impressions
Your Action Steps
Are you a Micromanager or a Macromanager?
Micromanager vs. Macromanager
Interdependence of Both Needed
Concerned About Empty Nesting (Illustrative Story)
Tension in Leadership Pacing
Do All Leaders Need Vision?
Your Action Steps
So, ask yourself these questions...
Would your family and friends be impressed with your stronger leadership after this course?
Don't you want to accelerate your leadership success instead of being stuck like everybody else?
If you had us as your leadership guides, where would you be 12 months from now?
Are you ready to get started? Won't you join us?
If your answer to any of these questions is – YES, we would like to invite you to take this course right now.
Udemy Coupon :