Latest approach of web application development..
ASP .NET MVC is a framework for building scalable, standards-based web applications using well-established design patterns and the power of ASP .NET and the .NET Framework.
In this course I will give an introduction to ASP .NET MVC from a beginner's perspective. Then starts moving towards the understanding of Get and Post method, Binding A Form To An Action, various methods of Passing Values From View To Action, Introduction To Razor View Engine, ViewData Vs ViewBag and Temp data. Implement partial page updates that help reduce the need to reload entire pages and Finally Implement caching to reduce the loading time of the different elements of a webpage.
We will also learn how to validate forms and implement business rules validations by implementing custom validators. Then we will end our course by securing it with implementation of authentication and authorization.
And many more lectures to come in future...
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ASP .NET MVC is a framework for building scalable, standards-based web applications using well-established design patterns and the power of ASP .NET and the .NET Framework.
In this course I will give an introduction to ASP .NET MVC from a beginner's perspective. Then starts moving towards the understanding of Get and Post method, Binding A Form To An Action, various methods of Passing Values From View To Action, Introduction To Razor View Engine, ViewData Vs ViewBag and Temp data. Implement partial page updates that help reduce the need to reload entire pages and Finally Implement caching to reduce the loading time of the different elements of a webpage.
We will also learn how to validate forms and implement business rules validations by implementing custom validators. Then we will end our course by securing it with implementation of authentication and authorization.
And many more lectures to come in future...
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