Choosing the right video making tools for you: Learn about cameras, mics & necessary gear to make a high quality videos.
This course was created to help you become knowledgeable about commonly used video making equipment at this time. Video gear is an ever changing landscape, and as a professional video producer, I'm extremely passionate about all video production tools. This course is designed for the beginner and intermediate video maker aspiring to make high quality video content.
Why Take this Course?
Gain critical technical and theoretical knowledge to help you make the most informed equipment purchase decisions.
Whether you want to make video content in blog format, creative videos, or whether you're aspiring to be a professional video producer and filmmaker; you need to have the correct tools to help properly bring your vision to life. The information you will accumulate from this course will help you make the most informed decisions about your camera equipment purchases, so you can start accumulating the best tools for your video making needs.
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This course was created to help you become knowledgeable about commonly used video making equipment at this time. Video gear is an ever changing landscape, and as a professional video producer, I'm extremely passionate about all video production tools. This course is designed for the beginner and intermediate video maker aspiring to make high quality video content.
Why Take this Course?
Gain critical technical and theoretical knowledge to help you make the most informed equipment purchase decisions.
Whether you want to make video content in blog format, creative videos, or whether you're aspiring to be a professional video producer and filmmaker; you need to have the correct tools to help properly bring your vision to life. The information you will accumulate from this course will help you make the most informed decisions about your camera equipment purchases, so you can start accumulating the best tools for your video making needs.
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