Excel 2016 - Basic Maths For Excel Beginners + Formula Tips - Udemy

Excel 2016 - Basic Maths For Excel Beginners + Formula Tips - Udemy
Excel 2016 tutorial - Learn Excel math operators and basic Excel concepts

Hi there, are you fairly new to Excel?

This very short bite size course will simply teach you in Excel 2016, how to do the following:

1) Basic Excel math operations- add,subtract, multiply and division

2) Teach core concepts to writing calculations/formulas in Excel

Each lecture is simple and concise and there are short quizzes to reinforce your knowledge.

Excel is one of the power tools of the world. Every business uses it. So a basic level and understanding is needed. This course aims to give you that. Note you can use any version of Excel from 2007 onwards for Windows for this course. The concepts are the same for each version of Excel!

Thank you for taking the time to read this and I look forward to seeing you on the other side.

Udemy Coupon :https://www.udemy.com/learnexcel2016/?couponCode=basicexcel2016mach42