Facebook Ads 2015 Fast Start: 1 Hour To FB Marketing Profits - Udemy

Proof Inside: $0.13 Leads And $677.73 Profit In 60 Minutes With My Proven Advanced Facebook Advertising Secrets.

Want to discover how to generate over 287 leads and over $677 just 60 minutes from now?

Here's what you'll discover:

  1. Big audience vs. small audience - which is best for cheap targeting? You'll be shocked to find that the right answer for your Facebook ads is hiding right under your nose... (HINT: If you know the difference between the Stubborn CEO & 18 Year Old Punk avatar... then you already know what to do...)
  2. How to use the "fear formula" to get people to buy not ONCE but TWICE from you... follow this proven formula to your retargeting ads step-by-step and watch your CTR skyrocket. (When I discovered this "buying truth" my CTR tripled and ad costs were cut in half)...
  3. Why you need to start using the "cover all angles" approach to FB advertising in 2015 if you want to compete with the "big dogs"... and survive... Ignore this advice at your own peril...
  4. And so much more...

But here's the best part:

You can get all this...
  1. HQ Videos
  2. Expert Insights
  3. Professional training
  4. Proven strategies
  5. And more...

But in 7 days the price is going to double.

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