How I Make a Website in Wordpress that sell for $100-$1000! - Udemy 100% Off

Learn Step by Step How to Build Professional Websites, Work from Home & Make Money Online as a Web Designer.

This course covers everything you need to know to start making websites in WordPress.

You get to watch over my shoulder and follow along Step by Step as we together go from nothing into building a fully functional website from start to finish.

In doing so you will learn everything from getting your own domian, backing up your website and website security to integrating video, images, maps, social media and contact forms etc.

This means that throughout this course you are going to learn a set of new skill that will make it easy and understandable keep building websites in WordPress in the future.

In Short You will learn:

  1. How to get your website started.
  2. How to set up your website security.
  3. How to set up automated backups for free.
  4. How to integrate video & images in your website.
  5. How to ad a custom slider to your website.
  6. How to connect social media to your website.
  7. How to ad a map & a contact form to your website.
  8. How to ad a blog & events calendar to your website.
  9. Much more..

You will also know:

  1. Where to valuate and sell your websites online.
  2. Where to find free images & icons for commercial use.
  3. How to create your own custom email (ie.
  4. How to manage all your custom emails through your Gmail account.

This Step by Step Video Course includes:

  1. Over 100 video lessons + Bonus materials.
  2. An easy to follow Step by Step approach to learning.
  3. All course material. (Images, Wordpress, Plugins etc.)
  4. 30 Day Money Back Guarantee.
  5. A certificate of completion.

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