Logistics 101: An Introduction to Logistics Management - Udemy Free

Learn how to leverage logistics operations within the context of the customer, value creation, and competitiveness.

The emergence of logistics has been dependent on the development of a cross-functional model of the organization, and on an understanding of the necessity to integrate business processes across the supply network. While its maturity as a discipline in its own right is still far from complete, it is time to take a current and fresh look at logistics management. Competitive advantage in tomorrow's world will come from responding to end-customers better than the competition. Logistics plays a vital role in this response.

This coursework was designed based on the instructor's real-world knowledge and experience, gained through hands-on operations. It will enable you to improve the logistics function within your company as a whole, by teaching you the basic principles and lovely practices of logistics and supply chain management. You'll learn effective methods for aligning logistics and promotion strategy, managing logistics costs for better value creation, managing lead times for better serve customers by reducing production and demand times, planning and executing material flow and using the Lean thinking, and developing a framework for managing the logistics and supply chain functions .

Content and Overview:

This coursework contains 55 lectures, 6+ hours of content organized in ten areas. It is ideal for professionals and students of logistics and supply chain management at beginner and intermediate level seeking a basic understanding of logistics management and strategy and supply chain integration.

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