Writing Comedy for Business - Udemy coupon Online Course 100% Off

Writing Jokes Made Simple for Public Speaking, Business Writing, Copywriting, and Creative Writing

Would you take a course that teaches you how to instantly write the funny?

If yes, then get ready for a revolutionary experience. Everyone wants to be that funny one in the crowd. You can be that funny person.

The Upside to Being Funny...

Make Top Money
Enhance Business Relationships
Change Your Life
Travel the World
Be More Attractive

The Downside to Being Funny...

Step by step Dean peals back the layers of how comedy works. His four decades of knowledge reveals extraordinary insights into why we laugh and how to be funny.

You Will Learn...

  1. How Humor Affect the Human Mind
  2. Three Mechanisms That Make All Comedy Work
  3. Instant Comedy Writing
  4. Improving and Correcting Humor
  5. Ultimate Comedy Writing System
  6. Streamlined Comedy Writing

With each lesson, you'll be saying to yourself, “Wow. This is amazing." And then realize no one you know has this specialized knowledge about humor and comedy. Be one of the elite. Be on the inside. Be that funny person everyone admires.

Udemy Coupon :https://www.udemy.com/writing-comedy-for-business/?couponCode=Writing+Comedy+for+Business+Udemy+Free+Coupon