Become a Web Developer - using HTML and CSS from scratch - Udemy

Your practical guide to becoming a successful web developer or web designer using HTML and CSS from scratch 2015!

What this Web development or Web designing work offers:

This work is about HTML & CSS coding, this work will take you through the necessities of becoming a successful web designer or web developer for cheap!

To complete the work it can take students as quick as one week! There is a possibility of becoming a web developer or web designer.

This Web Development work is structured with three sections:

  1. Getting Familiar with HTML : This first section will get students familiar with the idea of html & get to the basics of html coding including text formatting, page formatting & plenty of more things of web development & designing.
  2. Getting Familiar with CSS : This second section will give students the ability to generate sites which are a combination of HTML & CSS code doing small projects at a time Including plenty of more things of web development & designing.
  3. Generating Your Own Webpage! : This last section is going to give students the insights of what happens when generating an online site, together they will generate an online site which will be carefully laid out with the right colour combinations & layout & plenty of more things of web development & designing.

Whether you are a business owner, or already have an online site set up, in today's world you will always be in need of a web designer or web developers who can charge you thousands for a job which is not impossible. This work can basically take students from beginners to master web designers & web developers who will be able to generate web pages from a simple notepad program in less than two hours (they do that in this work!). So in the event you need to start your journey as a web developer or web designer then join today!

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