Creativity: Organise Your Creativity - udemy

Creativity needs to be organised to be effective - this coursework shows you step by step how to maximise your creativity

Creativity is something they regularly take for granted, yet a deeper understanding of how to manage it provides a huge boost to our creativity & artistic production. By taking this coursework, you'll get your creativity organised & see a immense boost in your overall creativity!

As a filmmaker, I have had to dive deep in to all manner of techniques & tools over the years to keep myself & teams organised, provoke creativity in myself & others, marshal disparate ideas & flashes of inspiration in to sequences that make sense & are productive & keep a creative workflow humming smoothly to enable the best feasible publication & sharing of Ideas That Matter (as Seth Godin would say).

Now, you can benefit from these creativity insights & knowledge.

The coursework fundamentally divides in to halves: A Creative Technique & the Tools to Get the Job Completed.

Though the gizmo recommendations are based around the Mac platform, you'll find PC versions or equivalents for all of them available. Therefore, in the event you are a PC/Windows user, don't fret - you'll still get great benefit out of this coursework.

The lessons on Creative Approach & Technique are cross-platform.

The coursework is designed to be of use to a wide spectrum of creatives & those who might think go themselves as non-creative (although you are!). You won't need to have any foreknowledge or specialised glossary to understand the lessons inside this coursework.

The coursework ought to not take you over three hours to complete, & at the finish of it you will have an excellent understanding of how to significantly boost your own creativity & artistic accomplishments.

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