MATLAB for the Absolute Beginner - udemy coupon code 100% Off

Learn about matrices, arrays, animations, graphs, tables, simulink, GUIs, & far more. All in work!

In the event you need to learn how to make use of MATLAB, but have little to no experience, this work is for you! In the event you have some MATLAB experience, & need to learn more, this work may be for you ! Sign up now by click the enroll button. The cost of $99 is only lovely for the first two weeks the work is live, so make positive not to delay. Keep in mind, in the event you are not 100% satisfied with the work, you have 30 days to receive a 100% refund. No questions asked.

In this work, you will learn:

Chapter one: First Look

The video introduces the learner to the MATLAB desktop surroundings. At the finish of this video, the learner will be able to identify & use

  1. Command Window
  2. Workspace
  3. Command History
  4. Current Folder
  5. Home tab

The learner will be able to generate variables & perform simple mathematical operations on them.

Chapter two: Introduction to matrices

This chapter is divided in to 9 parts

Part one: This session demonstrates
how to generate matrices
how to find its dimensions
how to take the transpose of a matrix
Part two: The session demonstrates the use of indices to access a section of the matrix
Part three: The session demonstrates the addition & subtraction of matrices
Part four: This session demonstrates the multiplication operation on matrices
 These sessions demonstrate the use of matrices is solving a numerical issue
Part five: Example I
Part 6: Example II
Part 7,8,9:These sessions introduce the learner to black-and-white, gray-scale & colored images on MATLAB

Chapter three: Working with arrays

This chapter is divided in to four parts

Part one: This session introduces the learner to arrays on MATLAB, & some basic mathematical operations
Part two: This session takes an example of a quadratic expression, & how arrays can be used to assess it over a range of values
Part three: This session discusses how to generate a sequence of numbers on MATLAB
Part four: This session demonstrates common statistical computations on arrays like mean, median et cetera

Chapter four: Make an animation

This chapter is divided in to 7 parts.

Part one: This session introduces the learner to the Editor Window on MATLAB
Part 2-7: These sessions create the animation of a rotating fan step by step
Part two: Step one
Part three: Step two
Part four: Step three
Part five: Step four
Part 6: Step five
Part 7: Step 6

Chapter five: dimensional plots

This chapter is divided in to two parts

Part one: This session discusses dimensional line plots
Part two: This session discusses dimensional surface plots

Chapter 6: Working with Knowledge

This chapter has been divided in to 8 parts.

Part one: This session is a recapitulation of the common statistical operations of mean, median et cetera
Part two: This session demonstrates how to make a simple bar graph/chart
Part three: This session demonstrates how to make a bar graph/chart with multiple bars grouped together
Part four: This session demonstrates how to make a pie chart
Part five: This session takes a line plot & adds title & labels to it, to enhance readability.
Part 6: This session adds labels & enhances the readability of a pie chart.
Part 7, 8: These sessions demonstrate how to generate a function with looping & conditional statements
Part 7: Example one
Part 8: Example two

Chapter 7: Working with Tables

This chapter has been divided in to two parts.

Part one: This session introduces the user to structures, demonstrates how to generate tables using structures, & discusses an application where multiple tables are joined together
Part two: This session reads a file, convert the knowledge in to table & perform some operations on them

Chapter 8: Introduction to Simulink

This chapter has been divided in to 7 parts

Part one: This shows how to open Simulink
Part two: This session demonstrates how to make a simple model on Simulink
Part three: This session demonstrates some common sources.
Part four: This session demonstrates blocks related to common mathematical operations.
Part five: This session demonstrates how Simulink can be used to model digital logic circuits.
Part 6: This session demonstrates how to make a sub-module/subsystem/sub-circuit on Simulink
Part 7: This session demonstrates how to make Simulink models for differential equations

Chapter 9: Simple Graphical User Interfaces

This chapter is divided in to five parts.

Part one: This session demonstrates the input function in MATLAB
Part 2-5: This session demonstrates simple GUIs on MATLAB
Part two: GUI one
Part three: GUI two
Part four: GUI three
Part five: GUI 4

Chapter ten: Miscellaneous / Bonus Lectures

This chapter aims to give the learner ideas to generate codes and block diagrams and thus practice MATLAB. This chapter has been divided in to ten parts

Part one: This session introduces the user to the Symbolic Math Toolbox
Part two: This session demonstrates how the functions in the Symbolic Math toolbox can be used to solve a numerical issue
Part three: This session demonstrates how to make use of Symbolic Math Toolbox to work with Laplace transforms and then moves to the Control System Toolbox.
Part four: This session is the viewing of a paper from which Control System codes and block diagrams can be made.
Part five,6: These sessions introduce some basic functions in the Picture Processing Toolbox.
Part five: Histogram Equalization
Part 6: Gray-scale conversion, Morphological operations, et cetera
Part 7: This session takes an example and demonstrates recursive functions on MATLAB
Part 8: This session is the viewing of a paper from which Simulink models relevant to Digital Signal Processing can be made.
Part 9: This session is the viewing of a document on sequences and progressions, which can be used to generate iterative and recursive functions on MATLAB.
Part ten: This session shows a Graphical User Interface which the learner can try to generate using ideas on picture processing.

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