Be Pain free now through self hypnosis - udemy coupon free

Be Pain free now through self hypnosis - udemy coupon
Be pain free instantly using simple self hypnosis techniques , overcome mental and physical pain instantly

Be pain free now through self hypnosis teaches you to reduce,heal,manage and eliminate physical and mental pain from your life using simple and powerful self hypnosis and visualization techniques.

This coursework is ideal for surgeons and dentists who must deal with pain management of patients . Powerful exercises and techniques have been taught to manage your pain better and have self control over your body.

This coursework includes-

one) Introduction

two) Self hypnosis and visualization to heal your pain -1

three) Self hypnosis and visualization to heal your pain-2

four) Alter your words to heal your pain

five) Be aware of your pain

6) few more techniques to reduce and manage your pain

7) Bonus techniques

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