Yummy Food Photo Course - Use your smartphone for awesome food photos - udemy

Yummy Food Photo Course - Use your smartphone for awesome food photos
Do you require to photograph food like a pro?

Imagine being able to make use of your smart phone to photograph like a pro.

Would you like to learn the same lighting skills the professionals use to make your images look professional?

This work is for the social media professional who works with restaurants and the food industry.

This is and a nice work for the food blogger, the foodie traveler and the food photographer enthusiast and anyone who enjoys going to different restaurants and photographing their delicious meals!

Learn the same techniques that food photographers use in their studios.
Learn how to make use of natural light in different ways.
Learn how to modify the exposure without having to edit with a application.
Discover how to make use of positive props to make the food look tasty in a photograph.
Learn about color and textures to enhance your images.
You will find out how to make use of editing tools to tweak your mobile images and make them look exceptional.
How Long is this work?

This work will take you about two hours to watch.

It will take much longer to do the assignments. Some assignments are more elaborate than others.

What will I get from this work?

How to light for food photography.

How to work with dark food and lighter food.

How to do picture sets.

How to work with shiny surfaces.

How to generate a visual story.

At the finish of the work you will know how to take top quality food images along with your smartphone!
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