How to Transform an Overwhelming Workplace Challenge in to Your Golden Opportunity for Career Advancement!
E-mail currently consumes, on average, a quarter to a third of our workday, every single day. It's become a bloated communication channel filled with noise & bad communication habits.
This work turns the issue of e-mail inside-out & shares how, as a writer of e-mail, you can transform the time you spend writing e-mail in to a golden opportunity to demonstrate excellence by increasing your signal to noise ratio in this overcrowded, raucous communication channel.
You will learn how to apply The 9-Step CAPTIVATE Framework to every e-mail you write & get an enthusiastic "Yes" response from your recipient/s to the top questions their minds as they open & start to read your emails. You will learn what those crucial, top-of-mind questions are!
This work is specially designed to stay tremendous relevant to any writer of e-mail in the workplace by the Snippets Exercises throughout the work & a writing exercise that applies The CAPTIVATE Framework directly through the period of the work to a actual e-mail that matters to you in your own work right now, today.
This coursework is NOT a course about how to manage e-mail as a recipient.
This course is NOT a application demonstration work.
This is a communications work carrying a one-of-a-kind vision that recognizes & teaches students how to access an brilliant career-building opportunity in what others see as an inescapable morass of much technology-accelerated mail landing in their laps & requiring begrudged time & attention every single day.
So, take a glance at the Introduction & watch the promo video inside the work. Don't pass the chance by to reclaim the worth in roughly 25-33% of your work day, & even find renewed pleasure in participating, with excellence, in the e-mail channel in your work.
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E-mail currently consumes, on average, a quarter to a third of our workday, every single day. It's become a bloated communication channel filled with noise & bad communication habits.
This work turns the issue of e-mail inside-out & shares how, as a writer of e-mail, you can transform the time you spend writing e-mail in to a golden opportunity to demonstrate excellence by increasing your signal to noise ratio in this overcrowded, raucous communication channel.
You will learn how to apply The 9-Step CAPTIVATE Framework to every e-mail you write & get an enthusiastic "Yes" response from your recipient/s to the top questions their minds as they open & start to read your emails. You will learn what those crucial, top-of-mind questions are!
This work is specially designed to stay tremendous relevant to any writer of e-mail in the workplace by the Snippets Exercises throughout the work & a writing exercise that applies The CAPTIVATE Framework directly through the period of the work to a actual e-mail that matters to you in your own work right now, today.
This coursework is NOT a course about how to manage e-mail as a recipient.
This course is NOT a application demonstration work.
This is a communications work carrying a one-of-a-kind vision that recognizes & teaches students how to access an brilliant career-building opportunity in what others see as an inescapable morass of much technology-accelerated mail landing in their laps & requiring begrudged time & attention every single day.
So, take a glance at the Introduction & watch the promo video inside the work. Don't pass the chance by to reclaim the worth in roughly 25-33% of your work day, & even find renewed pleasure in participating, with excellence, in the e-mail channel in your work.
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