Hack Your Way In to Simple Acrylic Abstract Painting Speedy with Press and Peel Methods for the Non-Artist
A Peel Painting is paint squeezed between two surfaces then pulled apart to reveal fascinating texture lines. It is a painting made speedy, takes no skill, great results happen, and creates duplication. In case you start with thick paint, you can keep pressing to get up to four paintings.
Artists are always complaining about having blocks, not being able to draw, confidence issues, being lovely , no time, no ideas, have shaky hands, takes long and is hard to learn, and not being able to make paintings speedy . This all changes now with Peel Painting.
How this will change your life:
This work is the first in a series about how even a non-artist can set up for generating simple Peel Paintings, and is laid out to help you get set up to manage multiple paintings and how to make each clone look different from the other. By the finish of the work you will know about what supplies, paints, and canvas deals to get, how to pick the best colors, how to set up an affordable drying and storage solution, how to transfer a peel to waste absolutely no paint, and have gone through a few exercises to making fascinating paintings. Peel Paintings work two and three are about what tools and techniques can be used to enhance your peels.
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A Peel Painting is paint squeezed between two surfaces then pulled apart to reveal fascinating texture lines. It is a painting made speedy, takes no skill, great results happen, and creates duplication. In case you start with thick paint, you can keep pressing to get up to four paintings.
Artists are always complaining about having blocks, not being able to draw, confidence issues, being lovely , no time, no ideas, have shaky hands, takes long and is hard to learn, and not being able to make paintings speedy . This all changes now with Peel Painting.
How this will change your life:
- Non-artists will be able to make sophisticated paintings basically
- Get paintings created speedy even in case you have no time
- You feel you have no talent but need to generate fun art simple
- You won't must learn how to draw!
- Don't know what to paint next? See fun shapes appear out of nowhere automatically
- Paint now even in case you have shaky hands
- Exercises will get you through Artist's Block or being in a "slump"
- If you are an art teacher or art therapist, you will have a resource of projects to do along with your students on their path to fun or healing
- Be able to generate lots of works in a speedy amount of time
- No need for pics to copy now or copyright hassles, by generating from your imagination
- Paint looser now & more free form
- Decorate your home for cheap in a distinctive way
- Cover over messed up paintings so no painting is a waste
- Knowing how to transfer a peel will make no waste of paint
- Find an escape that is productive & rewarding
- Get calming stress relief
This work is the first in a series about how even a non-artist can set up for generating simple Peel Paintings, and is laid out to help you get set up to manage multiple paintings and how to make each clone look different from the other. By the finish of the work you will know about what supplies, paints, and canvas deals to get, how to pick the best colors, how to set up an affordable drying and storage solution, how to transfer a peel to waste absolutely no paint, and have gone through a few exercises to making fascinating paintings. Peel Paintings work two and three are about what tools and techniques can be used to enhance your peels.
udemy coupon :https://www.udemy.com/abstracts-peel-painting-1/?couponCode=UDEMYPEEL1