Introduction to Finance - udemy course on #finance

Introduce yourself with the world of finance, the areas of financial decision-making and plan your learning of finance.

Very everyone has to make financial decisions. Even if is not a business manager or portfolio manager, s/he must make financial decisions appropriately for his/her personal financial well-being, which necessitates a lovely introduction with the subject material of finance.

This is the first coursework in the series of finance courses to be published at Udemy by the coursework instructor. Every learner of finance ought to start their lesson by being introduced with the basic definition of finance, goals of financial management, and the areas of financial decision-making.

This coursework consists of several video lectures that will be updated over time and based on students' requests, and additional resources. The lectures contain explanations of necessary ideas along with examples and illustrations.

After finishing this coursework, a learner would be able to define finance, recognize the specific areas of business finance, identify the role, tasks, scope, and challenges of a financial manager, recognize the primary objective of financial decision-making, align the shareholders wealth maximization with other stakeholders interests, compare and pick between profit maximization and share cost maximization as the primary objective of financial decision-making, and plan the pathway of learning finance.

This coursework is suitable for someone who require to accomplish financial literacy and/or has the interest about the fascinating world of finance. More specifically, entrepreneurs, managers and executives who are going to start learning finance, business students who are going to start learning finance, and someone who has involvement with financial decision-making would be benefitted from this coursework. This coursework is also suitable for absolute beginners who have seldom attended a finance coursework before, and may continue learning finance at an advanced level in future.

The instructor welcomes his students for continuous discussion with him. Any kind of input for improving the coursework is also appreciated. They also expects your positive and genuine review and rating of the coursework.

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