Learn how to build an amazingly low cost, but powerful, media centre computer to handle your TV, movies, photographs & music
Even in case you know nothing about the Raspberry Pi, or what it is, this coursework will take you step-by-step through exactly what you require to know to build an ultra-low cost media centre computer.
This is coursework that anyone can do, & the application you will use is obtainable free. No hardware or application technical skills are needed.
follow along with the well explained, straight forward steps, & at the finish of this coursework you will have a fully functional, fast, media centre computer that can...
The Raspberry Pi based solution you will finish up with is fanless & runs silently. It is also small (about the size of a pack of cards) & can be basically tucked away out of sight behind your TV. It performs astoundingly & costs next to nothing to build, so start now!
udemy coupon :https://www.udemy.com/raspberry-pi-projects/?couponCode=fbfreeudemycourses
Even in case you know nothing about the Raspberry Pi, or what it is, this coursework will take you step-by-step through exactly what you require to know to build an ultra-low cost media centre computer.
This is coursework that anyone can do, & the application you will use is obtainable free. No hardware or application technical skills are needed.
follow along with the well explained, straight forward steps, & at the finish of this coursework you will have a fully functional, fast, media centre computer that can...
- Stream your media across a network
- Play locally stored content stored on different devices
- Handle TV shows, movies, photographs, & music
- Can be used to stream content to other devices you might have, such as rings & tablets, or to other relatives members
- May even be securely accessed while you are out of the house.
The Raspberry Pi based solution you will finish up with is fanless & runs silently. It is also small (about the size of a pack of cards) & can be basically tucked away out of sight behind your TV. It performs astoundingly & costs next to nothing to build, so start now!
udemy coupon :https://www.udemy.com/raspberry-pi-projects/?couponCode=fbfreeudemycourses