Startup Founder 0 to 1 - Become a Founder & Raise Millions - udemy course

Startup Founder 0 to 1 - Become a Founder & Raise Millions - udemy
Becoming a Successful First Time Startup Founder - Find an Idea, Build a Team, & Raise Funding from VCs & Investors

In case you require to be a successful first time startup founder, this Udemy coursework might be great for you! You get principles & strategies that will work for you based on my experience building my venture funded startup, where I raised $10 million as a first time founder.

In case you are like me, you are reading more now because you require to know for sure whether this coursework is worth taking before you invest your time & money in it. The content in this coursework is based on my personal experience building a startup from the ground up, relocating from the midwest to the San Francisco Bay area, & raising millions from major investors.

In addition to the content, it is possible for you to to ask me any query you have about being a founder & building a startup. I will make sure you get an answer every query you ask in the coursework & do my best to give you a complete answer that is useful. I am committed to regularly updates & expansions of this coursework based on your questions, feedback, & suggestions.

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