Tools, tips & techniques for generating speaking head work videos that engage your customers & students.
This work is designed for the instructor, business owner or entrepreneur who is new to online work creation. Speaking head videos are a way to engage students or customers in an online work, & this work will show you tools & techniques for using a simple recording setup to generate this type of video.
Lots of of these tips & tricks will also serve those who are doing Periscope broadcasts or using other live streaming video platforms.
Instructor Vickie Maris is an online work designer. He will start out in this work with getting you to think about whether an online work is the right medium for connecting along with your students or customers, & will give you some tips about video production that will help you getting started.
The work is focused towards the that is daunted by the use of video recording equipment & not sure where to start. Vickie demonstrates, within the videos of the work, how to generate videos using equipment that you most likely already have on hand.
The section on tips, tools, & techniques is bursting filled with helpful hints that will make this journey simpler for the first-time online work creator.
He wraps up the work with time-saving techniques for recording & working with files that will turn you in to a lean operation when it comes to work content production!
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This work is designed for the instructor, business owner or entrepreneur who is new to online work creation. Speaking head videos are a way to engage students or customers in an online work, & this work will show you tools & techniques for using a simple recording setup to generate this type of video.
Lots of of these tips & tricks will also serve those who are doing Periscope broadcasts or using other live streaming video platforms.
Instructor Vickie Maris is an online work designer. He will start out in this work with getting you to think about whether an online work is the right medium for connecting along with your students or customers, & will give you some tips about video production that will help you getting started.
The work is focused towards the that is daunted by the use of video recording equipment & not sure where to start. Vickie demonstrates, within the videos of the work, how to generate videos using equipment that you most likely already have on hand.
The section on tips, tools, & techniques is bursting filled with helpful hints that will make this journey simpler for the first-time online work creator.
He wraps up the work with time-saving techniques for recording & working with files that will turn you in to a lean operation when it comes to work content production!
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