Font Creation Series Part -1 (Generate font from logo or handwriting or signature with the Open Source Program)
In this work you will learn how basically can make any images/ your company logo/any shapes/stamp/your own handwriting in to Font. That can be used in any Document.
this is beginning series of "font creation" so, don't expect to generate high quality professional fonts from the start - it will take time & practice,But, if you are basically looking to generate a custom font or would like to try your hand at a fun, this work will certainly help you get the job done.Anyone who wishes to make their own simple font basically, can join this work.
There is only program needed called "Inkscape" & basic knowledge require of this program.
It will take hour time to learn to generate font.
Make some basic setup,
Generate template,
Add some shape/images,
& Convert in to font that is all.
Everything in this work is fun to do. So what you are waiting for, JOIN NOW.
udemy course :
In this work you will learn how basically can make any images/ your company logo/any shapes/stamp/your own handwriting in to Font. That can be used in any Document.
this is beginning series of "font creation" so, don't expect to generate high quality professional fonts from the start - it will take time & practice,But, if you are basically looking to generate a custom font or would like to try your hand at a fun, this work will certainly help you get the job done.Anyone who wishes to make their own simple font basically, can join this work.
There is only program needed called "Inkscape" & basic knowledge require of this program.
It will take hour time to learn to generate font.
Make some basic setup,
Generate template,
Add some shape/images,
& Convert in to font that is all.
Everything in this work is fun to do. So what you are waiting for, JOIN NOW.
udemy course :