Land Your Dream Job by Thinking Like An Employer, Start with the Ideal Profile & Resume, Learn from a LinkedIn Specialist!
Whether you are looking for a job, trying to land a promotion or raise, perhaps branch out by yourself, or perhaps your job requires constant networking... the way you represent YOUR brand matters more today than it ever has. & FIRST IMPRESSIONS now occur online, before someone even has a chance to meet you in person.
This coursework will focus on making a Compelling LinkedIn Profile in partnership with a Stand-out Resume, while giving you the information & confidence needed to properly market & promote yourself. At the finish of this work any professional will be able to craft a better story of their career journey, while gaining the insight & skills needed to compete today. This content is relevant irrespective of where you are in your career.
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Whether you are looking for a job, trying to land a promotion or raise, perhaps branch out by yourself, or perhaps your job requires constant networking... the way you represent YOUR brand matters more today than it ever has. & FIRST IMPRESSIONS now occur online, before someone even has a chance to meet you in person.
- What are you doing to control the perception others have of you?
- What skills & traits are you promoting through your profile or resume?
- What is it that employers are looking for in today's market?
- Do you have the right skills, knowledge & brand to compete?
- Do you know the inside secrets that all successful (employed) Top Talent use TODAY?
This coursework will focus on making a Compelling LinkedIn Profile in partnership with a Stand-out Resume, while giving you the information & confidence needed to properly market & promote yourself. At the finish of this work any professional will be able to craft a better story of their career journey, while gaining the insight & skills needed to compete today. This content is relevant irrespective of where you are in your career.
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