How To Dominate Excel Formatting & Charting - udemy Free coupon

How To Dominate Excel Formatting & Charting - udemy course
Former Top Strategy Consultant Reveals How to Master the Number One Skill Every Employer Wishes, Overnight

Excel is a key skill for virtually every office worker today, but because the program provides what looks as if an boundless number of functions, it can become confusing.

In case you struggle with Excel, know that you are not alone. Although Excel is designed to make your life simpler, 82% of users document that Excel causes them stress.

This work is for you in case you:

Struggle to find online tutorials that make using Excel formulas simple
Make mistakes in Excel and feel disappointed with the results
Become enraged and frustrated because Excel actually reduces your productivity

Take The Best Seats In The House & Discover How To Succeed At The Modern Workplace With Excel:

Work in Excel in a simple yet professional way
Generate Excel spreadsheets that are clear and uncluttered
Make elaborate charts that even average workers will understand

Course Content & Overview

First, we will cover the foundations of Excel formatting and charting. You will discover the basics of cells, knowledge and charting, which includes a comprehensive tutorial on how to build charts.

Next comes how to format cells and knowledge the McKinsey way. I will describe 8 Excel cell formats with practical examples and how to effectively navigate sizable knowledge sheets. And, you'll learn how to never lose overview by using unusual shortcut functions.

Moreover, I will show you step-by-step how to build a chart the McKinsey way and merge stacked column charts with normal column charts to enable advanced knowledge labeling techniques.

Last but not least, I included bonus tutorials covering freeze panes vs. split windows, techniques to show key knowledge only and drop down menus.

By the time you complete this class, you will learn the renowned McKinsey way of formatting charts and tables, from basic to advanced.

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