HTML5 & CSS3: Build a Modern Youtube Homepage From Scratch - Udemy Course 100% Off

HTML5 & CSS3: Build a Modern Youtube Homepage From Scratch - Udemy Course
Learn How To Build a Modern YouTube Homepage From Scratch Using HTML5, CSS3 and JQuery

Have you ever attempted to build up a cool cutting edge youTube landing page? Possibly no. That is the reason Plato arrives to help you to learn how to transform an ordinary photoshop design into a cool format in the program. From the design, until the pages go live, you'll get master direction on the most proficient method to ensure your initial steps completes, and done right. This is not a tenderfoots course and some learning of HTML5, CSS3 is required. You will likewise get hands-on with some jQuery and learn some exceptionally lovely approaches to take the landing page to the following level!

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