Python Programming - Build a Reconnaissance Scanner - Udemy Free Course

Python Programming - Build a Reconnaissance Scanner - Udemy Free Course
Come along and learn Python Programming Language by Building a Reconnaissance Scanner

This Python coursework starts with an Ebook which contains all the information about the Python Programming Language. They will move ahead in the next section by start building a tool in Python which is used by security analyst in their day to day job. The tool is "Python Reconnaissance Scanner" which can be used to scan any web-site that is live over web and it can give you useful information. This information includes =>

one) Top level Domain Name

two) IP Address

three) Whois

four) Nmap Port Scan

five) Robots_txt

This coursework includes full source code of the tool and e pdf which you can go through in the event you are facing any issue with the video lectures.

Don't hesitate to ask questions in the discussion section as I will be always there to help you.

Join the coursework and start your Python Journey!
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