Incorporates 2 Full Martial Arts Workout Routines - Daily Martial Arts Practice to Stay Fit and Kick Butt
What will I realize?
Create and enhance hand to hand fighting abilities, stamina and adaptability
Learn New Techniques - These schedules incorporate hand to hand fighting systems from kickboxing, karate, kung fu, muay thai and then some!
Apprentices - You can learn new striking methods and set up your body to be prepared for more propelled hand to hand fighting practice
Current Martial Artists - These every day schedules will keep up and enhance your current combative technique abilities
udemy course :
What will I realize?
Create and enhance hand to hand fighting abilities, stamina and adaptability
Learn New Techniques - These schedules incorporate hand to hand fighting systems from kickboxing, karate, kung fu, muay thai and then some!
Apprentices - You can learn new striking methods and set up your body to be prepared for more propelled hand to hand fighting practice
Current Martial Artists - These every day schedules will keep up and enhance your current combative technique abilities
udemy course :