The Create an Online Business You Love course runs through several very important areas that you need to know about before embarking on an online business, or even at this stage is where you're trying to get clarity about what the business should do, and how it should do it. Let alone, who your client should be.
I'm teaching this course through combination of face to camera lectures, and screen cast insights and behind-the-scenes into my own business, and into mind maps that I use when planning out key parts of strategy and content.
You could properly jump through the main elements of this Create an Online Business You Love course in a couple of hours, though you'd be better served by watching through every lecture. More lectures will be going up over time, therefore it's hard to give an exact estimate of the total time commitment. But if you count on a few hours, that will be about right.
Create an Online Business You Love course is structured into getting you to think about and running you through exercises to determine the exact focus of your business, defining your client should be, and the kind of "customer journey" that they should experience when doing business with you.
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