The Complete JavaScript Course - Udemy Coupon 100% Off

In this Complete JavaScript course, you'll explore the JavaScript programming language by creating an interactive version of your resume. You’ll learn the JavaScript programming fundamentals you need while building new elements and sections to enhance your resume. This hands on JavaScript training course provides the fundamental knowledge necessary to design and develop dynamic Web pages using JavaScript. It introduces students to client-side JavaScript and how the language can be used to turn static HTML pages into dynamic, interactive Web pages. Students will learn the syntax of the JavaScript language and how client-side scripts interact with server-side programs.

JavaScript topics include adding JavaScript to a Webpage, use of dialogs to interact with the user and JavaScript intrinsic objects such as Date, Array and Math. Students will also be introduced to the Document Object Model (DOM), creation of functions, event handling, form validation.

This Complete JavaScript course contains projects and many challenges for you that prepare you to learn better and test yourself in JavaScript Coding.

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