Microsoft Excel 2016 : Concise Masterclass in Excel 2016 - Udemy Coupon 100% Off

Microsoft Excel Training course for those who want to improve their Microsoft Excel skills & shine at the office

This Excel is a comprehensive course that teaches you all the general aspects of Microsoft Excel and some areas in particular. Here is a list of areas that we will cover in this Microsoft Excel course.

Microsoft Excel worksheets, menus, and formulas.
The different ribbon options inside Microsoft Excel .
The different formatting options inside Microsoft Excel , including conditional formatting and more.
Basic and advanced mathematical operations inside Microsoft Excel .
Data analysis and Financial Calculations inside Microsoft Excel .
Logical Functions and Looking up Data inside Microsoft Excel , using VLOOKUP and conditional statements.
Pivot Tables inside Microsoft Excel . Gathering data and freeze panes inside Microsoft Excel .
Using Macros inside Microsoft Excel .
Data Validation and Linking inside Microsoft Excel
Printing a document and exporting documents to different formats inside Microsoft Excel.

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