Spring Framework Interview Guide - 200+ Questions & Answers - Udemy Course 100% Off
Spring Interview with Spring, Spring Boot, RESTful, SOAP Web Services and Spring MVC
Covers interview questions extensively on Spring, Spring Boot and Spring MVC
Covers basic interview questions of JPA, Spring Data, Spring Data JPA, Spring AOP
Covers interview questions on building RESTful Web Services and SOAP Web Services with Spring extensively
Understand questions asked in Beginner Spring Interviews
Answer questions on basics of Spring Framework - IOC, Application Context, Dependency Injection, Scope and Component Scan
Use appropriate Spring Annotations - @Component, @Service, @Repository, @Controller, @Autowired, @Primary, @Qualifier, @Configuration
Understand and Answer questions on Spring Boot, Spring Data and Spring MVC
Understand basic features of Spring Boot - Starters, Auto Configuration, Actuator and Externalized Configuration
Review Best Practices of all frameworks listed above
Answer questions on Spring Web Services (REST and SOAP)
Understand Spring Exception Handling Best Practices
Understand how to handle validation errors with Spring
Understand concepts like Versioning, Content Negotiation with RESTful Services
Understand documentation of your RESTful Services with Swagger
Udemy Course :https://www.udemy.com/spring-interview-questions-and-answers/
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