Integrating Parse into an Android Chat app template - Udemy course 100% Off

Integrating Parse into an Android Chat app template - Udemy course

Complete guide to setting up a Parse backend and integrating it into an Android Chat app template

MyAppTemplates finish manual for setting up a Parse backend and coordinating it into an Android Chat application format, like What's App or Viber.

This is a short 7 lesson diagram course, for apprentice middle of the road designers with some involvement with Java programming and Eclipse IDE.

Every lesson is between 5-15 minutes in length, beginning with a diagram of Parse and the current code on the Android Chat format gave. It's not a 'begin starting with no outside help' course, it is for individuals who have an application format as of now (we give a free one!) and who might want to add a straightforward backend API to it.

In the course we'll be setting up a free Parse account, making the backend classes for our Chat application in Parse, and afterward coordinating the Parse API into our Android Eclipse application layout.

Udemy course :