Responsive Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Course 91% Off $10 Discount coupon

Responsive Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript Course

Creating sites today is more confounded than simply utilizing conventional HTML. With different assortments of gadgets and devices, including JavaScripts and CSS, available, it's harder than at any other time to fabricate a site that is all around good. This course will take you from knowing nothing about HTML to building exquisite, responsive HTML5 and CSS3 sites that work on essentially any gadget.

Access 24 lectures and 4.5 hours of substance any time
Dive into the universe of HTML5
Tweak and upgrade destinations with CSS3
Take a voyage through Git and set up your own particular GitHub record to store work
Add JavaScript code to make the site more responsive
Set up and send your site to a server utilizing Debian
Purchase a space name through GoDaddy
Lockdown a server utilizing NGINX, Fail2Ban and Let's Encrypt

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