Software Maintenance and Re-engineering Udemy course 100% Off

Software Maintenance and Re-engineering course
In a product lifetime, sort of upkeep may shift in light of its tendency. It might be only a normal support errands as some bug found by some client or it might be a huge occasion in itself in light of upkeep size or nature. Following are a few sorts of support in view of their attributes:

Restorative Maintenance:-
This incorporates alterations and updations done to right or fix issues, which are either found by client or finished up by client mistake reports.

Versatile Maintenance:-
This incorporates alterations and updations connected to stay up with the latest and tuned to the regularly changing universe of innovation and business condition.

Perfective Maintenance:-
This incorporates alterations and updates done so as to keep the product usable over extensive stretch of time. It incorporates new highlights, new client prerequisites for refining the product and enhance its unwavering quality and execution.

Preventive Maintenance:-
This incorporates alterations and updations to anticipate future issues of the product. It expects to go to issues, which are not critical right now but rather may cause significant issues in future.

In this course, we will learn about programming support and re-designing.

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