Organic Chemistry Online Course with Dr. Laurie Starkey, Ph.D. - 18% OFF

Join Dr. Laurie Starkey in her time-saving Organic Chemistry course that covers all concepts and labs with tons of examples. Dr. Starkey brings her love of organic chemistry coupled with visual models, real world examples, & clear explanations to make ochem finally understandable for all.

Course Duration: 54 hours, 3 minutes
Number of Lessons: 42

This online course is crucial for students who want to ace Organic Chemistry in order to satisfy their college degree or pre-medical requirements. Lessons go in-depth and are followed with numerous examples similar to those found on organic chemistry exams and qualifying tests. In addition to standard video lessons, Dr. Starkey also covers the most important labs through a series of dry laboratory walkthroughs complete with equipment and explanations.

Additional Features:
Free Sample Lessons
Closed Captioning (CC)
Practice Questions
Downloadable Lecture Slides
Instructor Comments

Topics Include:
Lewis Structures & Resonance
Substitution Reactions
Carboxylic Acids
Enols & Enolates
Aromatic Compounds
Dienes & Amines

Use coupon code: DAVIDFAN18 to grab it with 18% discount

Chemistry Online Course :