Android Kotlin Masterclass Using MVVM - Jetpack Udemy course 90% OFF

Android Kotlin Masterclass Using MVVM

Practical Kotlin Android App Development Course And Become a professional Android App Developer..

What do you get in this course?
In this Kotlin course, you will discover the power of Android app development, and obtain the skills to dramatically increase your career prospects as a software developer. You’ll also have good knowledge to develop Android Apps by using the modern architecture components (MVVM with Jetpack).

Should you learn Kotlin?
Now that Google is pushing so hard for Android developers to use Kotlin, we are seeing a dramatic shift to Kotlin - It's similar to the iOS situation a few years ago with Objective-C when Apple released Swift.

Here’s more detail about what you’ll learn in this Kotlin course
1- Learn Kotlin from scratch and make a good background with it.
2- Learn the new Android architecture components (MVVM) with Jetpack.
3- How to use the Constraint Layout.
4- How to use Fragment.
5- How to use Data Binding.
6- How to use UI layout with material design guidelines to support different Android screen sizes.
7- How to use the Gradle in your app.
8- How to use the room with SQLite database in Android.
9- How to use LinearLayout.
10-How to use FrameLayout.
11- How to use TableLayout.
12- How to use RecyclerView.
13- Mastering Design Patterns in Android with Kotlin

And many more on the Udemy platform! Sign up today for a special discount. Plus, you’re protected by a 100% money-back guarantee

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