You will learn the difference between the traditional stock market and the Forex Market. You will begin the process of understanding the market trends and statistics. I say begin to understand them because it will be constantly changing and something that you will be continuously learning and developing as you become more experienced in the process.
You will discover why technical analysis is so important and how to use it to make the best trading decisions that you possibly can.
This forex trading course will show you the best ways to determine your strategy and allow you to maximize your returns by managing your risks.
I am also going to show you why 90% of traders lose their shirts, and how the other 10% WIN… consistently.
Forex trading is as much as an art as it is a science. Success behind the individuals and financial institutions in forex comes as much from knowledge as it comes from experience. This course is a summary of over 10 years of learning trading forex with some of the brightest and most successful traders in the world (AND IT'S FREE!)
Udemy course :
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