Ultimate PHP, Laravel, CSS & Sass - Learn PHP, Laravel and Sass - Udemy course 92% OFF


Learn PHP, Laravel, PDO, Security and create layouts using CSS GRID, Bootstrap, Flexbox,topped up with JavaScript and Ajax

Grab this Premium Udemy course :https://www.udemy.com/course/ultimate-php-css-and-sass-enhance-your-javascript-skills/?couponCode=LEARN95

What you'll learn in this course :

Ultimate PHP, Laravel, CSS & Sass! Learn PHP, Laravel & Sass and JavaScript

You will learn how to create fast and modern layouts using Flexbox

You will have 3 crash courses for PHP, CSS-GRID and Flexbox

New modern 2019/2020 css techniques for building stunning websites

Cutting edge responsive design using media queries manager, mobile-first vs desktop-first

Difference between em vs rem units

SVG Images, Clip path, Font-awesome icons

Learn How to use Sass in real-world projects

BEM Methodology

7-1 Architecture

You will Learn about CSS-GRID and how to create complex layouts fast

Advanced CSS animations using @keyframes, animatiosn and transitions

Use NPM to set up a development process to compile Sass fast and without page refresh

You will learn how to write reusable and maintainable that can be easily scale

Create Complete (CMS) Content Management System similar like Wordpress

You will master PHP PDO

You will Use OOP to create classes

Create Clean URL by removing .php extension at the end of the files

Learn how to refractor and clean your code

Learn about PHP security with PDO

Create From Filters and Pagination

Use Bootstrap to create your Admin site

You will learn how to use composer (PHP package manager)

Send emails using PHPMailer

Create complete CRUD (create, read, update and delete) application

Making different forms and loading based on condition

You will learn how to create new Databases, create tables inside and use them

Forgot Password functionality with password hashing and tokens

You will use Google Maps JavaScript API

Create Markers and use Geocoding

Show 4 different types of post based on condition

Use Payment methods : PHP Stripe API, and PHP SDK for PayPal RESTful APIs.

Variables, Constants & Super Globals

Use Prepared statements that will prevent SQL attack

Use JavaScript and JQuery.

Learn about regular expression and how to validate login input and register users

Geo-coding will be used to convert the address that is in our DB

Create Tree like Commenting system, with Ajax

Save and Load data without page refresh using Ajax

Last seen and Time ago function same as in FB messenger or Viber or WhatsApp

Udemy course :https://www.udemy.com/course/ultimate-php-css-and-sass-enhance-your-javascript-skills/?couponCode=LEARN95

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