Virtual Working - How To Be Your Most Productive - Udemy course 100% OFF

 In a very short space of time, the coronavirus pandemic has changed the way we work. You may have been working remotely for an extended period of time. Or perhaps you are working virtually and spending a small amount of time in the office?

We are now navigating the ‘new normal’ of working from home. The uncertainty around the pandemic has undoubtedly increased stress and overwhelm. It’s important to ensure this doesn’t lead to burnout. The practicalities of working from home are challenging for many.

This course, Virtual Working - How To Be Your Most Productive, shares tools and tips to help your productivity, set boundaries and increase your energy. We'll look at how to take effective breaks and when to take them, how to deal with screen fatigue and, most importantly, how to set important boundaries and when to say 'no'.

You will also learn how to practise 'virtual relating' with a 3-step process, which will help you connect more deeply over video calls. You will learn how to 'plan your joy' and stay balanced throughout the day.

Udemy course :

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