Complete Backend Frameworks Bootcamp - Laravel, Django and express JS Tutorial - Udemy course 83% OFF

This Backend Frameworks  course allow web developers to learn in practice the most popular backend frameworks used in enterprises ,like Larevel the framework of php ,Express js the framework of node js and django the framework of python ,the course is totally pedagogic ,always the course starts with simple apps to create more complex application in the start of each chapter you have  a full document that contain the concepts of each framework plus the most used commands in that specific framework,the content of this tutorial :

Learn  backend concepts ( package manager, MVC design pattern ,MVT design ,pattern , Models and migrations, ORM)

Learn Laravel from scratch ( routes , controllers , models ,views , authentication , forms using forms collective , base layout)

create a employee manager app   and a school management dashboard with multiple  models and relationships between models

create a rest API  for products management

Learn Django  from scratch ( the concept of apps , views ,templates ,models ,class forms )

create a student Manager applications

create a  Contact application with advanced features  (export to JSON ,export to CSV ,pagination ,Messanger)

Learn Express js basics (routes,display views using  ejs ,handle view using body parser )

learn mongodb and mongoose quires  (create ,find ,update ,delete)

Create a BestCars app for  cars sales and a management systme for cars 

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