Essential Management Skills - Udemy course 100% OFF

This comprehensive course provides an in-depth exploration of the key components of successful management, offering best practices for leading diverse teams. With a focus on the manager's role within a team, it delves into the three crucial categories of management skills—technical, conceptual, and interpersonal—essential for managerial success.

Following an overview of a manager's responsibilities, the course introduces various management styles, evaluating their advantages and disadvantages based on team dynamics. Specific management techniques and best practices are outlined to empower managers in confidently leading their teams.

Key learning points include understanding workplace influence, its value, and strategies for increasing one's power over team members. The course emphasizes the importance of building trust between managers and employees, providing insights into fostering trust in the workplace and establishing rapport in virtual teams.

Addressing a critical managerial responsibility, the course explores conflict management, discussing common workplace disputes, their detrimental impact on teamwork, and proactive approaches for resolution.

The course concludes by underscoring the significance of effective time management and its direct relationship to achieving professional objectives.

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